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Is Your Comment Area Easy To Navigate?

Posted Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by momscashblog | 54 Comments so far

Lately I’ve been having some problems with leaving comments on certain blogs that I was visiting. It made me wonder if I was the  only one that was running into these problems and if it bothered anyone else? I wondered if I was just being too anal  about leaving comments?  Ever since I first started blogging I’ve always been big into commenting, I really like the interaction that a comment allows between the blogger and the reader. I know we all read a lot of blogs everyday or at least try to and I for one always try to leave a comment after reading ones post. Then I started to hit roadblocks now and then on certain blogs, where I was unable to find their comment area or the owner of the blog had you jumping through hoops just to leave a comment on their blog.

“Make sure your site is easy to navigate. Nothing is more frustrating than navigating a site where it’s easy to get lost. This will negatively impact your profitability since potential customers are unlikely to stick around if it’s too difficult to find what they want. Simple and direct navigation is key!” from webreference.com/authoring.

Do You Make Your Readers Jump Through Hoops?

I think some blog owners are unaware that their comment areas are too involve for some bloggers to take the time to either register or sign in to leave a comment. There are some blogs that I’ve noticed that are so cluttered that after you read the post you expect to see the comment area and your unable to find it, you try putting your cursor everywhere to see if you can find the exact spot where you are suppose to leave your comment. If I can’t find the comment area within so many seconds then I’m on my way to another blog, or on to another project that I have to do online. (more…)

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Are You Ignoring the Value of Keywords?

Posted Monday, January 11, 2010 by momscashblog | 38 Comments so far

The following article is a guest post by Source Blogger. At Moms Cash Blog, we are always looking for a diverse mix of guest authors to provide their own perspectives to our audience. As Moms Cash Blog evolves, we think it is essential to give you this type of outside exposure. What do you think?

As a blogger, I must say that I was very impressed with the Source Blogger blog. It is intelligent, relevant, with very informative articles that everyone will find useful.

With that being said, let’s get right into: Are You Ignoring the Value of Keywords? Many thanks SourceBlogger for this guest post…jj

In internet marketing, the term of “keywords” is a collection of words that related to particular topics which are mostly used by internet users in searching products or services. Your products or services.

Doing a keyword research for internet marketing involve various aspects, such as finding sales oriented keywords which could driving maximum targeted users to increase online sales. Your online sales. Doing a keyword research is the first step towards a successful search engine optimization campaign. You have to be very careful when selecting keywords, as it can be very tricky to select targeted keywords for a website.

In selecting the best of keywords should always be based on various aspects such as product names, services, brands, or general terms. When doing keyword research, it’s highly recommended to do a very thorough market research analysis to find the best keywords used by search engines to find products and services online – and find out what keywords are targeted by competitors who are doing well in marketing on the internet. (This typically will be other blogs in your specific niche/category.)

Are You a Mommy Blogger too? You Should Appreciate This. (more…)

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