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Effective Online Ads Tell a Story

Posted Tuesday, July 29, 2008 by momscashblog | 15 Comments so far

I’ve gotten good feedback about the ad writing series… with good stats, comments, and some e-mails, so I’m going to show an example of an ad I found on the internet that I feel is quite effective because it tells a story and speaks to the emotions of the readers. I know I talk a lot about emotions with advertising, but if you really understand that every action we take… every decision we make in our lives is based on our emotions, then you can see why it is so important to use emotions in selling. Using a blog or a website to sell a product gives you a perfect opportunity to appeal to your customer’s emotions by telling a story (and it’s cheap!). The reason a story works so well for online advertising is because people use the internet to get information so they are in the “information gathering mode”. The customer is already searching for information so you are not forcing them to read. But you do have to compel them to want to read your ad, and you do have to get traffic and advertise… and you do have to try to grab their attention as soon as they look at your ad. Since I have experience in ad writing and I’ve posted about writing ads, I thought I’d show you an example of an ad that uses emotional motivators by telling a story.

For this example, I chose an ad that I didn’t think would intrude on any of my reader’s territory and that I happened to find as a consumer, I wasn’t looking for an ad (but I didn’t buy the product.) And, just so you know, I don’t have anything to do with  this ad whatsoever… I don’t know the person selling it and I’m not (more…)

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Entrecard and SezWho… What do you think?

Posted Thursday, July 24, 2008 by momscashblog | 11 Comments so far

I’d like to know what other think about the partnership between Entrecard and SezWho? (check it out here.) Basically, Entrecard is getting together with SezWho in an attempt to encourage bloggers to start commenting. But it goes further than that. The system will encourage us to leave “quality” comments by using the SezWho comment rating system. Now normally I love the rating system… for hotels, restaurants, movies, and books, or whatever… but NOT for comments!

Graham of Entrecard says that people aren’t commenting enough and some aren’t commenting at all, so this is his solution. His motto for this partnership/campaign is “Comment or get out of the Blogosphere”!(and he says that should be our motto too!) (more…)

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How to Write Ads That Sell — Part II

Posted Friday, July 18, 2008 by momscashblog | 27 Comments so far

The following guidelines will help you write good ad copy if you’re using your blog to make money by selling a product or service. If you need to know more about ad writing, there’s many books with more details (Also read Part I in my last post). Here’s a couple of books on advertising that are rated very well: The Online Advertising Playbook and Tested Advertising Methods.

Ad headlines are different from blog post titles, so don’t use this advice for post titles. Headlines can be 2 or 3 lines long and they should be intriguing. On the other hand, blog post titles should be short and to the point if you want them to be searchable. You don’t have to worry about anyone searching for the headline of your ad. They’ll be searching for your product or service.

Ask a Question Headline: Ask a question in your headline to compel your reader to continue reading the ad. Some good question headline starters are: Why should you… What would you do if…. When should you… Would you… Should you… Could you… Did you know… and What if… An example would be: What would you do if your blog traffic doubled overnight and tripled within a week’s time?  (more…)

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How to Write Ads That Sell – Part I

Posted Sunday, July 13, 2008 by momscashblog | 12 Comments so far

Here are some tips and ad writing techniques to help those of you who plan on selling products with your blog. If you’re getting into Affiliate Marketing you may have to write your own ads. Ad writing is also helpful for anyone with a blog. If you want to make money online or you have a blog with ads you’ll need to sell ads in your posts from time to time. Even if you don’t sell a product or ads, you will want to drive traffic to your blog from another site (either from a social networking site or from another blog). In other words, you will have to “sell your blog”. Knowing the basics of ad writing can be a big help for anyone with a blog or a business. (more…)

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Good News About the Economy!

Posted Tuesday, July 8, 2008 by momscashblog | 11 Comments so far

It’s no secret that the economy is in a bad way right now. Some call it a “slow down”, some are calling it a “crunch” but whatever you call it, times are hard. We’re feeling the pinch with record breaking gas prices and the cost of food going up at a steady rate. Some businesses are going under and people are losing their jobs. Last week, the US Department of Labor said the total number of people claiming unemployment in the US is around 404,000… that’s 82,000 more than last year. This month Starbucks will be closing 600 shops which will mean thousands more will be unemployed or displaced. Are you tired of hearing all the bad news yet?? Well, here’s some good news… (more…)

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Blogs Getting Banned From Digg

Posted Friday, July 4, 2008 by momscashblog | 12 Comments so far

You better think twice about Digging your own posts or encouraging others to Digg your posts. The editors at Digg are cracking down on bloggers who are abusing the system to promote their own blogs. They won’t give any notice, they’ll just ban the site and YOU from using Digg for an indefinite period of time.

What they don’t like is bloggers who keep Digging their own posts and encouraging others to Digg with promotions or “trade offs” (saying, I’ll Digg yours if you Digg mine.)  They don’t want posts about blogs going too high up in the Digg Community. They say the system was made for current events and intellectual content, and for people to share their interests. The regular users of Digg are getting irritated and complaing to the editors about posts like “How to Make Money With Your Blog” or “How to Get Traffic to Your Blog”. They said “the average reader does not like to see posts about blogs or how to make money with blogs going up in the Digg rank”. (more…)

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Pep Talk for Beginner Bloggers

Posted Tuesday, July 1, 2008 by momscashblog | 14 Comments so far

One big lesson I’ve learned about blogging is that you can’t worry too much about what other’s think. It’s just like life, you have to row your own boat and not let anyone else get in your way. Blogging can be kind of scary at first because you could be talking to the whole world… but then again, you could be talking to no one but yourself. (and you will be in the beginning!) You have to just do your own thing. Remember, it’s YOUR blog and no one else has the right to tell you what to do with it.

Over the past 2 months, I’ve had some e-mails from many people who’ve used the Free Blog Tutorial and now have blogs. Some don’t quite dare to take that first step and go public with thier blogs… and some have stopped altogether. I know there’s a lot of pressure for beginner bloggers because I’m going thru it myself. All I can do is give you a sisterly “pep talk” and tell you don’t give up, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. (more…)

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