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COUPONS – saving money makes me money!

Posted Wednesday, April 9, 2008 by momscashblog | 9 Comments so far

I recently started using coupons more often to see if it could help me with saving money. I was surprised to learn that by using coupons and money saving deals, sales or promotions…I actually ended up making money as if I had a really good paying part-time job! Don’t believe me, just watch the video above as I discuss ways to be thrifty, use coupons that will make you money plus I reveal the best money saving and making website ever. Here is the link to it, their name is Spoofee and you will soon become great friends with that site. It will save you a lot of money, score you some great freebies (yes, true freebies with no strings attached) and also help you to buy great deals that you can turn around and resell to make money off of it you wanted to!

– Tell your friends about these guys, they totally rock!


[...] AhTim wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptIt will save you a lot of money, score you some great freebies (yes, true freebies with no strings attached) and also help you to buy great deals that you can turn around and resell to make money off of it you wanted to! … [...]


[...] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt… excerptIt will save you a lot of money, score you some great freebies (yes, true freebies with no strings attached) and also help you to buy great deals that you can turn around and resell to make money off of it you wanted to! … [… … [...]


[...] Hans wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt… excerptIt will save you a lot of money, score you some great freebies (yes, true freebies with no strings attached) and also help you to buy great deals that you can turn around and resell to make money off of it you wanted to! … [… … [...]

Brent April 10th, 2008 (10:28 am)

coupons are desinged for you to spend more
it can also be used to get you as a new customer
when you go to costco and buy in bulk you feel like you are saving money but you end up spending more money with the volume you purchase.

Moms Cash Blog April 10th, 2008 (1:32 pm)

I disagree with you 50% on that. Like I expressed in the video, some coupons are not worth it – while others can save and make you a lot of money! You must be logical about which ones to use Brent : )

Mommie April 10th, 2008 (8:06 pm)

@ Brent – You’re only out of pocket a larger sum of money the day you go to costco. You can save a large amount by shopping at warehouse stores. Would you rather be out $20 for something that you use all the time that will last you 3 months or buy that item every week for 3 months at a higher per unit cost. If you don’t know how things are priced, how coupons work or how marketing works in general, then yes, you definitely will spend more money by using coupons.

@Kristi – I’m a coupon freak too. I just bought my son all the decorations for his first birthday party online and found a coupon for free express shipping and 15% off the total as well. My total was about 40% less than going to a brick and mortar store, plus no sales tax.

MrsMoney April 11th, 2008 (1:23 am)

I love coupons! Have you heard about the grocery game? I recently signed up for it and it’s pretty cool! :)

Shawn Knight April 12th, 2008 (5:18 am)

I tried using coupons for a while, and while I did “save money”, you do have to think before you buy.

100% of the time, you are required to buy name brand items. If you normally do this, that’s fine… but if you don’t mind buying generic stuff, well, you will end up spending more with coupons.

Plus, many times, you are required to buy more than one of the product in order to get the discount. This is not a problem for non-perishable items, but stuff like milk and lunch meat that spoils quickly… well I know personally, it will go bad before I consume it all.

Make Money Blog April 14th, 2008 (4:03 am)

I really don’t think that I’ll ever start using coupons… I am just too lazy about the whole process… either cutting it out of those neat dotted lines, printing it from online, etc… just seems like a lot more work to me to save a little bit…

but… great post for those who enjoy the coupon thing :)

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