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Problogger and John Chow blogging rags to riches!

Posted Tuesday, December 18, 2007 by momscashblog | 1 Comment So Far

john chow and problogger way back

I wanted to write a post about the two of the most famous bloggers we all know as “Pro Blogger” and “John Chow” – These two guys have really taken blogging and affiliate marketing to a whole new level. They have surpassed standard blogging and have turned their niche blogs into a full time income + more!

A lot of people start out with a simple idea for a blog and don’t think much of it…hoping that they can at least make a few dollars in advertising links and affiliate programs. Then there are a lot of bloggers who give up within the first 1-6 months of starting their blogs. I like to call the first six months of blogging (boot camp) because it really weeds out the wimps. During this first 1-6 months these people don’t see much income come in and they feel like their blog is worthless and it is not doing them any good. This is where they are wrong and it is easy to fall into this group of people. I would say at least 75% of bloggers will at some point “give up.” The key to a successful blog is motivation and good fresh content. Nobody is going to have a blog succeed if they create it with no topic in mind and or just let it sit. You might as well just throw in the rag if you plan on blogging being a free ride. A blog is a simple concept and job…yet it requires that the owner devotes at least 15-45 minutes a day to it for success. You must set goals for your blog, such as a set amount that you would like to make each day/week/month. You will not make money off of a sitting blog for many reasons. If there is not an ounce of new content then why would anybody want to be there reading nothing?! Also, if you plan on making money from your blog and you place ads on it only once and then abandon it…your ads may expire, not work or may need some maintenance and you will overlook these issues and miss out on money! It is important to check your affiliate links to see that they are working properly at least once a week. A good rule of thumb for fresh content is to post a new blog post at least every other day. It is okay to take a break if you have been a blogging champ sometimes and go 2-3 days without content. That happens to all of us, and it could also result from writers block. During these times, remember your goals and strive to make the most out of your blog…rather than taking the easy way out and just giving up hope! Your blog can and will pay off if and ONLY if you want it to. There is no telling how quickly you will get to the point of making either a part-time or full-time income off of it…but we all know it is very possible none the less! Now back to the topic at hand…we have two pro bloggers whom I picked for this post, because we all know who they are. These guys seem like they have a lucky horseshoe on hand or that they just happened to strike gold…BUT they both started out as that lonely blogger with a thought of “just starting a blog” and they once wondered if it would ever pay off. Well it sure did, right guys?!

Let’s have some fun and get some motivation here – This will give you a chuckle and prove they once were just beginners once too…the road to becoming a blogging pro!

—> JOHN CHOWClick here to see what his blog looked like in just late 2005

—> SHOEMONEYClick here to see what Pro Blogger Darren Rowse looked like in 2005 as well…

I used the Wayback Machine for these results. It is a free tool that lets you look back on websites/blogs from past to present. Go look at your website or blog from long ago and compare it to your website or blog today. I bet you will chuckle too…baby steps take us to our final destinations.


Lara January 2nd, 2008 (12:23 pm)

Hi there – love your site, but I needed to make a little correction on this one for ya…

Darren Rowse’s site has always been problogger.NET (not .com, until recently when he bought it off the original owners and forwarded it to his .net) and that link you gave to the archive is for the .com, which shows a site that was never Darren’s.

The other problem is that with using archive.org when a site’s been built with external style sheets (as had both John’s and Darren’s), the stylesheets aren’t saved by archive.org, so sites never look now like they truly did then. If you take a look at Darren’s real archive: http://web.archive.orghttp://www.problogger.net/ you’ll see no design or layout at all. It’s not because he didn’t have one, but it’s because it was laid out in an external style sheet, which is not being shown by archive.org.

Hope you don’t mind the corrections, it’s just that while the errors don’t take anything away from the true meaning of your post, I thought you’d be interested in knowing the real info. :)

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