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Do It Yourself!

Posted Thursday, May 15, 2008 by momscashblog | 13 Comments so far

In my earlier years I had a few jobs in data entry type work just to get thru school. After that, I didn’t have to worry about technical stuff because I wasn’t in that field. As the years went on, I became spoiled with “Tech Help” wherever I was employed, and even at our own business, the accountant and other employees used the computers… the only tech skills I needed was using e-mail and cruising the net to order merchandise from wholesalers and keeping up with trends. I didn’t even have to think about how things worked, I just expected them to work.

Since I bought MomsCashBlog, I’m learning new tech things every day… and it’s fun, but frustrating at times. One of my good friends is a neurologist and she says it’s great for the brain too, so that’s an added bonus. The more “new” things you learn, the more cells light up in your brain. But there’s a down side to being too technical…… studies have shown that people who use only the technical parts of their brains can be lacking in creative thinking and social skills (and we all know  if you don’t have social skills, you’re screwed!!) lol

So, if you’ve always relied on your secretary, or the college interns at your work to come running the minute you need them, maybe it’s time to try it yourself. I know how easy it is to just step aside and let them load that software, fix that spreadsheet, or even change the ink jets in the printer, but if you continue down that path, you become a tech-dummy. I can tell you from experience, there will come a time when you’ll wish you had paid attention and tried to become more proactive in the tech process at the office.

Challenge yourself every day! Try something new with your computer, or online. Instead of reaching for the phone to have someone help you……take a deep breath and try it yourself. You will feel good knowing  that you’re using both sides of your brain.

On the other hand, if you’ve been immersing yourself too deeply into the world of all things technical you should try something artistic for a change. It is that side of the brain that provides us with great ideas or enables us to solve problems without even trying. Einstein called them “Eureka” moments….and he had plenty of them because he used both sides of his brain at the same time.

P.S. I meant to send a shout out to Geo at www.tipsformommies.com and www.mommieshome.net. Happy Mother’s Day !!



Geo May 15th, 2008 (5:53 am)

Hey JJ!
This is a good post. Its very good advice especially in the internet/computer world. Considering the fact that its everchanging. Thanks for the shout out! I appreciate that SOOO much. :)

Keep up the good work JJ!

Tori May 15th, 2008 (2:11 pm)

JJ, that sounds like my last boss. He couldnt even fill the paper tray. LOL

Tori May 15th, 2008 (2:17 pm)

Geo, I went to your site but it didn’t let me leave a comment. I used that ergo carrier with mine and loved it. Good job!

Mark May 15th, 2008 (4:09 pm)

That is what I love about working online. I get to be creative in my planning and design, then technical with how I actually put these ideas into practice.

It is definitely worth challenging yourself. Not only is it useful to learn new things, you get a sense of achievement when you succeed with something you thought was difficult or didn’t think you were capable of.

Taylor Blue May 15th, 2008 (4:39 pm)

LOVED this post JJ…you are getting the hang of it.

I found that too when I decided to run my own website there was so much to learn. I am still learning after being around for a year! :)

ProfileSurfer.com May 15th, 2008 (6:00 pm)


my friend introduce me to a great site for brain exercises:


take care,

Geo May 15th, 2008 (6:44 pm)

I’m very sorry you couldn’t post a comment. I’m happy that you went to my site though. You are welcome there any time. I am new to this whole blogging thing and I actually started my blog using the FREE blog tutorial here on this site! I am still a little bit confused on some technical parts though and I have been trying to fix that commenting problem. I hope that next time you want to comment on there you can.
Thank you!

Moms Cash Blog May 15th, 2008 (10:42 pm)

I want to thank everyone for the comments,I’m getting the hang of it. Is there anyone out there that can Help Geo with her “commenting technical problems” w/WordPress? I have looked around and I’m unable to help her with this particular problem. Appreciate it! *JJ*

Good Luck Geo…we’ll find you someone,I hope.

Mark May 15th, 2008 (11:24 pm)

Hey Geo…

I just visited your site to try and help with the comment issue, but it seems that almost all of your links are broken. Have you recently changed or edited your theme? Might be worth switching to another theme until it is fixed.


Interesting post, I totally agree!

Moms Cash Blog May 16th, 2008 (2:39 am)

Mark, thanks so much for the advice,I appreciate your help. I knew someone would pull through for Geo. *JJ*

Ashley May 16th, 2008 (2:27 pm)

Hey! This is a great post, and you’re so right about needing to work ALL parts of the brain. I work with an online site as well, called Happy Neuron. It has doctor-developed games in every cognitive category (memory, attention, language, visual/spatial, executive function) so you can be sure you’re not focusing too much on one area.

Looks like your creativity with the blog sure is a big help though, too. Keep up the good work!

c tang May 16th, 2008 (3:58 pm)

Yes, we must use both sides most equally to function best.

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