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Market Your Blog & Get Traffic

Posted Saturday, January 15, 2011 by momscashblog | 31 Comments so far

traffic pic 300x239  Market Your Blog & Get Traffic  Christmas and the holidays have come and gone. The New Year  is already 16 days into January, and some resolutions have probably already been broken. Committing to resolutions can be difficult for some of us, and so easy to break.  Setting goals for yourself and your businesses, can help you feel that you have time to accomplish these things without the feeling of failure.

One of the goals I think every blogger is always trying to achieve, whether it’s the New Year or the middle of the year  is driving more traffic to  ones blog.  Traffic equals money.  Below is a assortment of only a ” few ways” to bring traffic to your blog. When speaking of bringing traffic to your blog there are so many variables that can be attributed to bringing traffic, that  if you tried to list all of them it could take up much of the page.

1. Expose your blog  by  using  the Social Networks  like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube  or any forums that you can participate in and expose the name of your blog. Social Networks are more important than ever before, you must be signed up with at least a couple of the good ones.   Exposure!

2. Market your name or the name of your blog, leave the name of your blog any place that you are able to. Some places won’t allow you to attach the name of your blog, but whenever possible do it. If you read the big newspapers online  New York Times, Gawker.com, or any others in that niche, at the end of each article is usually a place to comment. My theory is to comment whenever and where ever you can, thus leaving and exposing your blog. Remember though only leave a comment, if you have something intelligent to add to the article that you read. If you get one new visitor that week visiting your blog, I think it’s worth commenting & showing off your blog.   (more…)

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