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Start a Free Online Diary, Journal or Blog… For Fun!

Posted Tuesday, June 7, 2011 by momscashblog | 20 Comments so far

writing in diary under tree 300x225 Start a Free Online Diary, Journal or Blog... For Fun!Writing is a fantastic way to discover things about yourself. It’s amazing how things come out of you as you start to write, that you never knew were there. It’s not just healing, but it’s an amazing form of expression and powerful tool for gathering insight.

Aren’t Journals for Men and Diaries for Women?

Many people, men and women alike, have journaled and written in diaries for hundreds of years…it helps us process all that’s going in our lives, and all that’s going on inside our selves. Many famous scholars, artists, theologians, scientists, inventors, politicians, philanthropists, housewives, and anyone wishing to allow hidden treasures within themselves to be revealed, have journaled through time immemorial. Writing in a diary is not just for women, teenagers and the likes of Anne Frank.

What’s the Difference Between an Online Journal, Blog and Diary?

In essence, they’re all the same in that they’re all on the internet; but in practice, each is as different as the person (or people) contributing to them. There is also some distinction between the three, but keep in mind that the terms are often used interchangeably.


A diary is often more personal, where one focuses on their daily thoughts and daily events, and is updated on a daily or regular basis–thus, it’s often referred to as a daily diary.


A journal is also a diary, in a sense, because it records events and thoughts, but often more sporadically, as opposed to daily. Journals can be created for a specific purpose, such as to document one’s travels or weight loss experiences.


The term originates from the phrase “web log”. A blog encompasses a wide range of purposes, from personal to business. Yet thoughts, news, insights, or general updates are posted regularly, and serve each blog’s own specific niche or purpose.

Setting Your Site’s Preferences


Yes, you can keep a diary online, and make it private. You can also make it so that only people you invite can see it. This setting can easily be changed later, should you ever decide to make it public. And vice versa:  (more…)

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