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Making Money on the Internet During Hard Times

Posted Thursday, May 19, 2011 by momscashblog | 20 Comments so far
It’s that time of year where many households are getting ready to do some  spring cleaning.  Purging closets and putting away items that you may not be using or even want anymore. Some people may be thinking of having the perennial “lawn sale/tag sale” to rid their homes/lives of clutter & bring in some extra money. Reading articles lately about down sizing, simplifying our lives and our homes, makes this a perfect time to get rid of clutter and make money from your home or make money online.

With the economic changes, I think it’s safe to say all of usFotolia 747996 XS 300x226 Making Money on the Internet During Hard Times are feeling the squeeze one way or another. Gas prices are at an all time high, lay offs, downsizing in the work place, and food prices keep on rising.  It isn’t any wonder that people are looking for ways to make extra money, on & off the Internet now more than ever. There are a multitude of ways to make money online, many  that we all know about, even some I’m sure that haven’t been thought of yet.

eBay was one of the earlier ways of making money on the Internet.  It was a great opportunity for stay at home moms, entrepreneurial moms/ dads, anyone who had something they wanted to  buy or sell. eBay was the  place to sell that item & make money from the Web.
There were many people who made  good money when this dot com first surfaced and are still making money by setting up their own stores on eBay. Where else will you find people from around the world  looking at your items that you have up for sale or auction?
eBay was  the largest retail site on the Web, although now Amazon and several other websites participate in auctions and merchandising. However eBay has always been the go to site for selling and buying anything that one could imagine.  Potential for anyone to make money from your home is just a few steps away. Go over to eBay.com and get yourself familiar with the site,  there is some tax & registration information that will need to be done (if you want to start selling as a business) but nothing you can’t handle.You are then on your way to making money on the Internet. (more…)

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