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World Habitat Day – October 4, 2010

Posted Monday, October 4, 2010 by momscashblog | 15 Comments so far
CWP10 S LINE clr World Habitat Day   October 4, 2010

“The United Nations have designated that October 4th – the 10th as World Habitat Day. Habitat for Humanity wants to raise awareness about the desperate need for affordable housing here in the United States and all over the world. In designating this date it is in hopes that we all do whatever we can to help eradicate poverty here and around the world. ”

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization and depends on volunteers and donations to help build homes, rebuild vacated buildings, and weatherize homes just to name a few of the many services that are given. Habitat for Humanity also lends their  time and labor to many of the disasters here and around the world, hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti,  mudslides and floods around the world. Where ever the need for a roof over one’s head Habitat for Humanity will be there.

Housing does more than just give people a roof over their head, it helps give  a sense of ownership, pride, especially because the families in need lend their labor and time to build their homes. The facts speak for themselves, children that have a roof over their head are more likely to  stay in school, violence and crime rates are lowered, disease and health issues are also reduced. Children that live in poverty are more likely to develop asthma, and will have a increase in viral and bacteria infections. Around the world and here in the United States we have children that are living without proper housing or shelter.  All of these situations speak volumes about what the whole world must do to help provide people with housing.

Habitat Day is to bring these issues to the forefront every year at this time, the first Monday in October. There are special events that are scheduled the 4th and goes through the 10th, for more information on all the World Habitat Day events that are planed please use this link worldhabitatdaynews.org.   Habitat for Humanity needs all our help by contacting our government leaders,  let them know that every person on this earth deserves adequate housing.  Bring awareness to Washington  that we care about the housing or non- housing issues in the world.

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