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The security toolbar 7.1 – Beware!

Posted Friday, October 26, 2007 by momscashblog | No comments yet

Okay, so last week I was working online and started to get all kinds of pop ups on my computer. It was so annoying. Then I realized in my Internet Explorer there was this toolbar called the “Security Toolbar 7.1” at the top of my page. OH NO…I didn’t know what to do so I figured that being a web geek I could get it off no problem. NO WAY, I tried everything and nothing worked. After endless hours of searching online the only thing I could find was actually one of the products that I promote. It seems that this stupid security toolbar virus thingy was called malware. I installed this anti-malware software killer on my pc and boo-yah. It really did work so I must say to anyone who is in the same boat as I was – Try this software. It is the only thing I found to work. After all of that ~ I did the un-thinkable…I sold my computer three days later because I think that was a sign to move on. Don’t worry It was fixed, I am not that mean LOL. My poor PC was like 3 years old and I needed to get with the times LOL so here I am on my new PC and I am loving it. Go HP, you rock! I will miss old faithful however…there was a lot of money making done on that lovely piece of of technology ; ) She served me well. So recap here, if you get infected with this annoying virus toolbar called SECURITY TOOLBAR 7.1 , try this - it really works and will remove the security toolbar 7.1 for you! SERIOUSLY ~ Save your computer now…or buy a new one ; )

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Heeeeeeeeeey this is going to be huge if…

Posted Thursday, October 25, 2007 by momscashblog | No comments yet

I need to actually write on my blog eh, there is an idea for success. I have so much going on here (good things) money, advertising that I need to remind myself that I started this blog and haven’t even shared an ounce of info yet. It is sure to come very soon guys. I hope tonight to do a few reviews add som links that can make you money and share some thoghts. I have a head full of stuff to post so it’s coming. Talk soon, please stay with me…we are going to make a lot of money together!

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I will be posting daily so keep checking back…

Posted Monday, October 22, 2007 by momscashblog | 5 Comments so far

I plan on devoting a few hours a day to this money making blog, because I want to share all of the ways that I have found to make money online and from home. I will post interviews, reviews and tell you about affiliate programs, ways to make money off of your own blog (there are tons of them) and I will always keep up on anything new that comes out. I will only post information on companies/businesses that have actully sent me a check or who have proved that making money online, really can be free, easy and well ~ fun! I hope to have a full blog in just a few days with links, how-tos and money making companies : ) Don’t miss it!

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Moms can work at home and make money online!

Posted Saturday, October 20, 2007 by momscashblog | No comments yet

Launching Moms Cash Blog…

Thank you for coming to see us at “Moms Cash Blog.” My name is Krysti and I am a stay at home mom. I have worked from home for about 4 years now and I have been through it all. Direct selling, sales, data entry, gimmicks, blogs, surveys…etc just to name a few. I will review many of my at  home experiences on this blog and help you find your niche that can help you to quit your job and stay at home. There is A LOT of money to be made, and yes I am proof that you really can make money right in your living room at 2 a.m. Stay tuned, visit us daily and let us know your progress. My goal is to help moms all over to be sucessful at home!



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