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The security toolbar 7.1 – Beware!

Posted Friday, October 26, 2007 by momscashblog | No comments yet

Okay, so last week I was working online and started to get all kinds of pop ups on my computer. It was so annoying. Then I realized in my Internet Explorer there was this toolbar called the “Security Toolbar 7.1” at the top of my page. OH NO…I didn’t know what to do so I figured that being a web geek I could get it off no problem. NO WAY, I tried everything and nothing worked. After endless hours of searching online the only thing I could find was actually one of the products that I promote. It seems that this stupid security toolbar virus thingy was called malware. I installed this anti-malware software killer on my pc and boo-yah. It really did work so I must say to anyone who is in the same boat as I was – Try this software. It is the only thing I found to work. After all of that ~ I did the un-thinkable…I sold my computer three days later because I think that was a sign to move on. Don’t worry It was fixed, I am not that mean LOL. My poor PC was like 3 years old and I needed to get with the times LOL so here I am on my new PC and I am loving it. Go HP, you rock! I will miss old faithful however…there was a lot of money making done on that lovely piece of of technology ; ) She served me well. So recap here, if you get infected with this annoying virus toolbar called SECURITY TOOLBAR 7.1 , try this - it really works and will remove the security toolbar 7.1 for you! SERIOUSLY ~ Save your computer now…or buy a new one ; )

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