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Make Money With New Visitors to Your Blog

Posted Saturday, June 28, 2008 by momscashblog | 14 Comments so far

One thing you can do to bring in new visitors to your blog is make posts that are ”off topic”. Studies have proven that new visitors are the ones most likely to click on your ads and use them for all they are worth. When a person first visits a site his/her brain is stimulated and engaged in the process. Their minds are open and they become curious and they don’t mind pushing those buttons and checking out your ads to see what it’s all about. After a visitor has been on a site for a while and becomes a ”regular” he/she becomes desensitized and eventually stop using your ads. There’s a certain point where visitors only read your posts. 

By going off topic and bringing in someone new you not only benefit from their first time curiosity and clicking instincts… chances are very good that you can change their thought process and that can be good for both you and the visitors.

They might decide they need what you have to offer even if it was the furthest thing from their minds when they first came to your site. For instance, if I make a post about sailboats, or mention them and use it as a keyword search I will get some first time visitors who are into sailing. After they get here and read my post about small sailboats, they might stay and learn how easy it is to start a blog and learn that blogs can make money. That might stay in the back of their mind and it could get them thinking about starting a blog about sailing. Soon they could be doing searches and checking into blogs. From there, hopefully they will come back to my site, use MomsCashBlog’s Free Blog Tutorial and use my ads for blog monetization. All that could happen just because I made a post about something other than Make Money With Your Blog.

This makes sense to me, because when I think back to when I first got the “blogging bug”, I realize it was not intentional. I did not come online and look up “make money with blogs”.  I don’t remember the whole process, but I know it didn’t happen overnight. I was searching for things that had nothing to do with blogs. I was looking into medical issues… and the next thing I knew I was looking for ways to make money online… then I was looking into blogs. At some point I landed on MomsCashBlog found Krysti and the rest is history! lol Or maybe it was ”destiny”? Who knows! Six months before that, I never dreamed I’d be running a blog, let alone buying MCB, but I did and I’m sure glad I met her… and glad I bought the blog! I’ve made some good money in the first 2 months and even though I have a lot to learn, I’m already enjoying the process and the people I’ve met.

Maybe I went off topic, or maybe somewhere along the line, someone went off topic on their blog and in doing so it got ME into blogs. So my point is, don’t be afraid to go off topic once in a while. You’ll bring in some new visitors, make money, and you could be helping someone out in the process.

Look at John Chow! (He’s in my Entrecard at the moment, so he isn’t hard to find! LOL) We all know he’s the make money blogger of all time, but he doesn’t just write about blogging in every single post. First of all, he keeps his blog open to many topics by calling it “The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Dot Com Mogel”. He switches it up and tells his readers of many interesting things in his life (not just blogging). In his last post he shared pictures of a fine dining experience with them. I’m sure many new visitors went to www.johnchow.com  to read about “haute cuisine” or The West restaurant, with no idea of who he is and what he does. After finding out that a blogger can make so much money, I’ll bet there’s more than a few chefs starting up a blog and making things happen for themselves… all because of a “so called” off topic post!

P.S. I hope one day to earn enough points to get an Entrecard ad at John’s site… (it will take a while, I’m sure! LOL) but I do appreciate having his on mine!

Heather June 29th, 2008 (3:08 am)

I know how you feel, I have no idea how I got hooked on blogs. Did you ever tell how much you paid for this? Just curious.

Robert Cyr June 29th, 2008 (3:20 am)

Hey JJ – Great post. Another great idea is to not only go off topic, but blog about “Hot” current events. Every time there is some scandal or big entertainment news everyone is googling for more information. Chime in with an opinion on your blog and watch the traffic roll in-

One Year Millionaire June 29th, 2008 (7:05 am)

That is a great idea… posting off topic is sometimes viewed as a bad blogging idea.. but with this being said in your article it might be good to do once in a while…

Andreas from Xavier Media June 29th, 2008 (12:56 pm)

I never actually read John Chow’s blog since it’s too off topic. Half of the posts are about the dinner he eat last night and the other half are just paid posts.


Gail June 29th, 2008 (11:36 pm)

Great post. I have many interests and plan to keep my niche open if I can.

Moms Cash Blog June 30th, 2008 (5:28 pm)

I want to apologize to J.D. (who left a nice comment) or anyone else who made a comments that disappeared. We had to transport some data from one server to another and settings went back to 2 months ago when I bought the blog. That seems to be affecting my comments.

and if anyone sees any strange things going on with MCB because of the transition, please let me know. Someone said the RSS Feed was sending a month of posts. I signed up for the RSS and it seemed alright now. Hopefully that was a one time thing…

Thanks and sorry. JJ :)

Brandon June 30th, 2008 (7:36 pm)

I just wanted to come by and say JJ you are doing an excellent job on this site. I am new to blogging and I come here everyday to get motivated myself.

Moms Cash Blog July 1st, 2008 (1:33 am)

Brandon….thanks and Congrats! :) I’ll be over later to say “hi”.

Robert… who has time to catch up on current events? (I’m having all I can do to keepup with blogging terms.. LOL) I like that idea.. my next post will be about “Brad Pitt”.

Heather….no, I never did say how much.

One Year Mill.. I think there ARE no bad ideas in blogging as long as it’s legal and you don’t hurt anyone. I like to experiment.

Gail..Yes. Choose a category that allows you to talk about anything. (you can anyways since it’s YOUR blog)

Andreas….I just saw your Entrecard contest. great idea! I love contests as long as they are easy like yours are.

Bob from http://www.weekendeasycash.com July 3rd, 2008 (7:18 am)

To help make you
Easy Cash you can also use this to search for specific blogs that allow you to comment.

site:.edu inurl:blog cars “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in”

Paste this into Google. This will find blogs about cars that end in edu and allow you to comment.

This will create a backlink to your site which is what you want to drive traffic.

Susan July 11th, 2008 (5:28 am)

It’s definitely more interesting to learn about making money, but also about the person blogging about it! :)

Moms Cash Blog July 14th, 2008 (1:48 am)

Bob, thanks for the info. Good stuff to know… I hope others get to see it too.

Susan…I agree. Make Money sites cannot be expected to stick with that one subject all of the time. It’s good to know they are human.

Lea Sousa September 15th, 2011 (4:04 pm)

Cant find the “Tweet This” button on this page??

momscashblog October 15th, 2011 (3:56 am)

Hi Stella or Brenda? My twitter button is right on my front page, it’s the little blue bird just like every where else. You should have no problem finding it. Let me know though if you shouldn’t see it and I can see what might be wrong. Thanks for stopping by my blog and well at least leaving a message, I appreciate it a lot. jj

Mahin April 19th, 2012 (3:55 am)

That first paragraph was interesting. Never thought about it that way. Definitely helpful to know when thinking how to start a blog and develop it. Thanks

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